New Research: Getting into Hot Water is Good for You!
Research has found that soaking in hot water 90 minutes before going to bed improves sleep quality. Discover why Hot Tubs are so important & how to use them in your night-time routine.
Recent research from scientists at the University of Texas at Austin has found that soaking in hot water 90 minutes before going to bed helps you get a better night’s sleep. So, what’s the science behind this?
By soaking in a Hot Tub 90 minutes before bed, you perfectly align what’s called your Circadian rhythm. This means that your body will be cooling down at exactly the time that you will be getting into bed, helping you to relax and fall into a deeper sleep. According to the researchers, “The temperature cycle leads the sleep cycle and is an essential factor in achieving rapid sleep onset and high efficiency sleep.”

How important is Good-Quality Sleep?
I’m sure that everyone clutching a cup of coffee at 9am every morning will already know how important a good night’s sleep is, but it’s also so much more than that!
Improve Attention & concentration
Getting enough high-quality sleep will keep your mind focused and sharp – being vitally important for big decisions, driving, or operating heavy machinery.
Memory Retention
You need sleep to rest and rebuild your mind as well as your body. While you sleep, your brain will organise and process all the information you have taken on over the day, converting them into long-term memories.
Reduce Blood Pressure
Before you wake up, your body will increase your blood pressure to prepare you. If you’re kept awake too often, your body cannot compensate for this rise in blood pressure, so it may remain higher than usual – increasing your risk for stroke and coronary heart disease.

How do Hot Tubs improve sleep?
We all know that Hot Tubs are literally tubs of hot water, being perfectly equipped to align your circadian rhythm for better sleep. That’s not the only way Hot Tubs can help you get a better kip!
With strategically placed water jets, our Hot Tubs are designed with the ultimate massage in mind. By receiving regular hydrotherapy massage, you relieve muscular tension to keep you comfortable while you sleep.
Having been used for centuries, aromatherapy has many reported physical & mental health benefits. Lavender has long been known for calming your mind and relieving stress, as well as Chamomile. By clearing your mind before you go to bed, you will drift off into a better night’s sleep.

Relax in a lounger
Before you drift off to dreamland, spend your evening soak in a Hot Tub lounger for maximum relaxation!
To find the right lounger for you, make sure you wet test your preferred model. Loungers come in all shapes and sizes so it’s important to find the right fit for your body type, so you don’t float out of the seat.

Sleep is vital to proper mental and physical function – ensure you get the best possible night’s sleep with a regular evening Hot Tub soak 90 minutes before bed!